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Who We Are

The extraordinary team that comprises Huffine Global Solutions, Inc., connects and implements state-of-the art systems and advanced technologies to existing and emerging markets, offering well-defined and sustainable results.  We are a group of cultural interpreters and pioneers who see opportunity and potential in the far reaches of the world.

Each staff member originated from diverse backgrounds with direct experience in a variety of different industries including: agriculture, biotech, construction, marketing & branding, defense, diplomacy, DNA forensics, renewable energy, oil and gas, food production, hospitality, waste to energy, infrastructure and even entertainment. Our collective wealth of experience in such varied sectors generates results for our clients in a timely, cost effective manner.


Our Team

Engaging  with Huffine Global Solutions Inc., you are selecting experienced international business experts with an extensive network of government and industry leaders. We are proud to say that we have traveled to and operated in over 80 countries.


The colors represented in our logo are some of the sectors that HGS specializes in.

HGS employs or consults with experts in their fields to create world class solutions for countries.  

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